CWH Trainer Certification
Steeped in the theory, practice, and research of Appreciative Inquiry, positive psychology, and neuroscience, this CWH Trainer Certification training will provide you with everything you need to implement Conversation Bootcamps and teach Conversations Worth Having.
View Training OptionsGet Certified to Teach Conversations Worth Having
Bringing Conversations Worth Having to your organization or clients is like giving them the keys to success. Everything they do, every change they make begins with conversation. CWH empowers them to co-create their most desired future. CWH certification gives you access to all the CWH training materials plus a community of practice. As a CWH trainer, you will have the tools and skills to our bootcamp(s) as well as other benefits of membership in the community
Our certification courses are intensive experiential learning opportunities that combine the theory, practice, and research of using, integrating, and teaching the CWH material within your professional arena.
Trainer Certification Course Options:
You have two CWH Certification options to choose from: CWH Certification or CWH Dual Certification. CWH Certifications endorse you to officially provide the Conversation Worth Having Bootcamp in part or whole.
PREREQUISITES: To be eligible for CWH Trainer certification, participants must complete the requisite bootcamp(s), successfully complete the certification training for the program they choose, submit a certification application which meets requirements.
CWH Trainer Certification Learning Outcomes:
This CWH Trainer certification course will prepare you to:
- Develop practical instructional design skills and confidence plus the critical skills to facilitate learning and ensure retention.
- Use the Training Guidebook, card deck, and other materials to enhance the learning experience for participants.
- Become effective at using case studies, activities, exercises, videos, and slides to support participant learning.
- Deliver portions of the training with coaching and feedback.
- Develop skills at having conversations that help yourself and others thrive and create environments that impact well-being.
- Become skilled at turning conflict and problems into conversations worth having.

CWH Certification Registration Benefits:
As a Participant:
Participants enrolled in CWH Trainer Certification courses will have everything they need to teach Conversations Worth Having and implement the bootcamps for which they are certified. Registration in the CWH Certification course includes:
- Minimum of one-year (1) access to the latest online training materials
- Training PowerPoint slides and agendas
- Bootcamp workbook(s)
- CWH Study Guide
- CWH WoJo
- Bootcamp videos
- Certificate of Completion template
- Case studies, stories, and activities
- Marketing materials
- Ability to co-brand materials
- CWHConnect Calls: Community of Practice (connect, share, and learn among CWH trainers)
- Consulting and training referrals

As a Certified CWH Trainer:
In addition to the benefits listed above, certified members will also enjoy:
- A profile listing on our CWH Institute Team website page and the Center for Appreciative Inquiry.
- Opportunity to submit open trainings through the Center for Appreciative Inquiry and CWH website.
- Opportunity to work with the CWH Community in ways that may increase professional exposure, credibility, and residual income.
Certification Course Designed For:
Our goal is to certify practitioners, trainers, and leaders interested in helping people develop effective communication skills and driving positive change within teams, organizations, and communities. Those who have been certified reflect a broad range of professions:
- Managers and program/project directors
- Coaches, counselors, and clinicians
- College and university professors
- Community non-profits and advocacy groups
- Consultants
- Human resource professionals
- Librarians
- Organization development professionals
- Physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals
- Talent management practitioners
- Therapists, social workers, and case managers
- Training and development practitioners
- Teachers, school counselors, staff, and principals

“Our organizational lives and the lives of others flourish or flounder, one conversation at a time.”
David Cooperrider,
Distinguished University Professor, Case Western Reserve University and Honorary Chair, The David L. Cooperrider Center for Appreciative Inquiry, Champlain College, Stiller School of Business