Help! I Can't Bring People Together!
Jun 16, 2022
“There can only be one state of mind as you approach any profound test; total concentration, spirit of togetherness, and strength.” Pat Riley
Today’s Kickstarter challenge came from a school administrator who shared that the administration and teachers are trying to lean towards a more equitable learning environment, but the political world often gets in the way. After learning a little more about the context, the Kickstarters group used the flipping technique to arrive at the following…
Positive Frame
Name it: Administrators and teachers cannot have civil conversations.
Flip it: We can have civil conversations.
Frame it: We have a deep desire for practical and tangible togetherness, meaning everyone matters.
Other Suggested Frames
- Right and wrong would be something of the past.
- Conversations that include both listening and speaking on all sides of the issue.
- We collaborate around the vision of our organization.
- Winning would be inconsequential.
- People would lean into the complexity of these issues.
- We work towards what is best for the children.
- Finding coming ground would be the foundation on which we build.
- We have psychological safety where everyone can speak without fear of being put down.
Generative Questions
When we reflected on what questions would help the administrators and teachers engage in a fruitful conversation that would move them towards a collective desired outcomes, the insightful Kickstarters group came up with the following:
- How would we need to respond to each other to create the sense of togetherness?
- What would the end of the conversation/session feel like?
- What does everyone “need” to be true/real? Meaning what really matters to each and every one, thus to make it real?
- When was a time when you felt like you and your opinions mattered on this issue? What made you feel that way?
- If our children are interviewed about the way we’ve approached working together, what do we want to hear them describe about us?
- Can we translate “civil” into needs or desires?
- What would a safe environment look like to have these types of conversations?
- What does tangible togetherness look like?
- What do you most want to include in the conversation?
- Where are we already in agreement?
- What’s working in/on that issue?
- What’s been a high point experience of working together?
- When have you seen administrators, teachers and parents having these conversations? What made them successful?
- Who do you most want to include in the conversation?
- What role would the facilitator play?
- What are your primary concerns?
Cool Tip
When determining the frame, it helps to look a little deeper for what is possible, as demonstrated by today’s choice, “We have a deep desire for practical and tangible togetherness, meaning everyone matters.”