‘brat’ conversations

Jul 30, 2024

 ‘brat’ memes have recently gone viral. The term comes from Charli XCX’s album, brat. Inspired by the album, Gen Z and millennials coined the term brat summer, which is all about accepting your imperfections while embracing the chaos.


According to Abigail DeCosnik, Associate Professor for the Berkeley Center for New Media, brat is influential as a cultural idea. She says that in contrast to the Barbie girl, who looks, acts, and dresses  according to what others say is perfect to be successful, the brat girl accepts she has flaws and dresses and acts as her authentic self. She courageously owns her whole self. She is bravely outspoken and stands in her power.


According to John Walsh, brat is bold, real,  audacious, and trendsetting (above image). From this meme, the phrase "I'm so [fill in your name]" has emerged suggesting we proudly proclaim, accept and celebrate the whole of our being. And make room for every other whole human being.


What if we start having brat conversations—with ourselves and others.

A brat conversation with yourself might go something like this: 

You get out of bed in the morning, drag yourself to the bathroom, look in the mirror and your inner Barbie says, “Oh, girl. You look terrible. Get out the make up and definitely better dress to impress!” Your inner brat says, “Hold on; you look like you! It’s another day to share who you are with the world!”

Barbie keeps encouraging you to put on that pretty pink outfit, but Brat reminds you, "That’s just not you, and it’s uncomfortable. You’ll be at your best being you!”  Without the support of your inner brat conversation, you may end up feeling you must conform, model your behavior after others, and sacrifice who you really are to be successful and happy. Your inner brat dialogue encourages you to be you—all of you. Accept the whole package and with zest and courage, bring yourself and your gifts to the world!


Brat conversations with others

brat interactions celebrate different perspectives and diversity of thought. People come from a place of curiosity about one another instead of judgment. They ask generative questions that help them discover more about themselves, others, and the world around them. brat conversations celebrate the uniqueness of each one of us without demanding conformity and agreement. They make room for each person’s contribution with people asking generative questions and focusing on positive outcomes that everyone might contribute to. The questions come from authentic curiosity about everyone's strengths, perspectives and ideas. These conversations reflect that everyone is valued and respected. They embrace challenges and mistakes, focusing on learning and working through complexity and chaos to achieve desired outcomes.


Why consider having brat conversations?

brat conversations build strong relationships, expand our views and understanding about one another and broaden what's possible. They make room for the emergence of new knowledge and innovation. These are transformative conversations. In the process of having them, we learn to be our whole self, to make room for and accept everyone's ‘whole self,’ and support transformative and evolutionary growth and change in our families, organizations, communities, and the world around us.


Yes, this blog is a little tongue in cheek.


brat conversations are conversations worth having. Want to support others in people in bringing their whole creative self into the workplace? Want to enrich your life and happiness by accepting and celebrating your whole self? First, decide there is gold in each individual's unique being, and then, ask generative questions and use positive framing. To learn more about how to foster brat conversations, check out www.cwh.today. Read Conversations Worth Having, download your free conversation toolkit, and watch our free OnDemand Lesson: The Power of Your Words.


Shared by Cheri Torres. I love this idea of self-acceptance and accepting the whole of one another. We are part of nature's on-going experiment in what it means to be in the natural world. We make mistakes. If we aren't making mistakes, it's likely we're not growing, learning, and deepening our awareness and connection. May the brat summer transform our awareness and acceptance for each individual being. May we continue to grow and learn how to be our own best version of what it means to be human.
Photo: Cover album, Charli XCX

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