You're Unstoppable

Feb 18, 2025
A young man shadowboxing in front of a sign that says: Unstoppable, Relentless, Determined in all caps symbolizing the essence of this Monday Kickstarters session and how to be resilient.

I’m unstoppable, I’m a Porsche with no brakes

I’m invincible, yeah, I win every single game

I’m so powerful, I don’t need batteries to play

I’m so confident, yeah, I’m unstoppable today


If you now have Sia’s powerhouse anthem looping in your brain, my sincerest apologies (or you're welcome?). That song—a battle cry for human resilience—is especially uplifting when we're knee-deep in self-doubt and indecision. In those wobbly moments, crank up Sia and crank up your mindset with positive framing and generative questions—the secret sauce of conversations worth having. These will help you zoom ahead like a Porsche… instead of puttering along like a Yugo (don’t worry, I had to Google what a Yugo was too).

This week’s magnificent Monday Kickstarters' group used generative questions and positive framing to address a participant’s challenge:

“I find myself stuck in indecision on how to move forward with my business.”

We started with a generative question to ensure full understanding before creating the positive frame.

  • Generative question: Can you say more about what you mean when you say you are stuck in indecision on how to move forward with your business?

As we listened to the response, it became clear that the real issue was a lack of a clear vision for the future of the business.

Positive Framing

  • Name it: I am unclear on the vision for my business.
  • Flip it: I am clear about my vision for my business.
  • Frame it: A dream that lights my fire everyday while leveraging my strengths.

Other Positive Frames Offered by The Group:

  • A clear way forward.
  • I feel fulfilled.


Generative Questions

  • When I have had a dream and clear vision before, what was I doing? What conditions made that possible?
  • When I was successful before, what was I doing?
  • What key strengths can I leverage?
  • What strengths inspire me the most?
  • During the last year, what strength did I use most?
  • When did I use my strengths in the past and experience a “dancing heart” – a fire that truly lit me up?
  • How will I know that I am on fire? What does that fire feel like?
  • How am I getting in my own way?
  • What might my clients say about the differences I’ve already made for them?
  • If it is 1 year from now, what achievements will I reflect on that light me up?
  • Looking back to now in 30 years, what do I want to see happening?
  • Who can help me?


Cool Tip

Before you hit the gas on problem-solving, pause, take a deep breath, and get curious. Ask generative questions to widen the screen and make sure you're tackling the right issue before crafting a positive frame. Yugo be gone—Porsche, ride on!

About Monday Kickstarters

This topic came from our February 2025 Monday Kickstarters series, working sessions to figure out how to have a conversation worth having when faced with a tough situation, challenge, or problem with leadership or performance. If you have a tough situation you’d like to reframe or want to join us to continue your CWH practice, register here: 

Shared by: Shared by: Sylvette Wake, a certified Conversations Worth Having and Strategic Conversations Bootcamp Facilitator, Professional Skills Facilitiator and Life Coach. Sylvette Wake is a certified Conversations Worth Having and Strategic Conversations Bootcamp facilitator, professional skills trainer, and life coach. With a knack for turning workplace challenges into growth opportunities, Sylvette brings experience, insight and a British sense of humor to enliven every event she facilitates.


Sia. (2016). Unstoppable [Song]. On This Is Acting. Monkey Puzzle/RCA Records.
Photo by RDNE Stock project: 


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